The grill is nicely tucked in the corner now. and some stones at the base of the hand me down fire-pit make it look a bit built in.
The Japanese lilac tree our Bible study go graciously gave us money to buy when my dad passed away, has finally been planted. I still have some sod to bust up around the bushes I added for privacy and edging stones to buy and dig in around the back of the new bed.
I love that I found a tree with 4 trunks to it. I think he would have liked it.
This new rose bush will be very pretty this summer.
I added a little dry creek bed along where the gutters have been overflowing. Just before David fixed them and they no longer overflow. Ha! It will stay anyway since I think it's pretty cute. :) I'm looking forward to those hollyhocks (to the right of the stones) blooming this year.
I love how great the flowers look back here even just a year after transplanting.
The delphinium are a new favorite.
I especially love the view when I turn the corner now.
There is still a lot to do like painting the chairs around the table, adding a 9'x9' patio under the table, painting the backside of the house this year, putting a vegetable garden back in (just below the playset) and a few more plants to buy to fill in by the air conditioner and hydrangea to buy for the whole front side of the house. This morning a raked half of the front yard and added grass seed. Busy, busy, busy.